Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to School Breakfast Ideas

We're in that time of year, school is starting and the morning routine becomes a bit more hectic. When I was a kid, weekday breakfasts consisted of a bowl of Cocopuffs or Bisquick pancakes.  Not that those childhood breakfasts have left me feeling deprived or anything, but these days I like to start our mornings with something a bit more special.  In this case, special doesn't mean hard work though.
I'm working on a more accessible recipe index, but in the meantime, I thought I'd suggest some quick and easy breakfast ideas.  After all, it is the most important meal of the day!  

Muffins and Breads


  • Make up batches of muffins or bread and once cooled wrap and freeze individual muffins or slices of bread so they're ready to "grab and go."
  • Freeze your leftover weekend pancakes and reheat in the toaster for a quick weekday bite 
  1. Best Blueberry Muffins
  2. Mini Pineapple Muffins with Coconut Crumble 
  3. Lemon Butter Muffins 
  4. Banana Bran Muffins  
  5. Maple Almond Butter Cookies
  6. Date Nut Bread 
  7. Cinnamon Banana Bread
  8. Perfect Pancakes
Cereal and Yogurt

  • For a money-saving option, buy the 32 ounce containers of yogurt and portion it in individual containers.  Packed with a side of granola in a baggie and a spoon, you're ready to leave in no time flat!  
  • For quick steel cut oats, see the note at the bottom of "Funky Monkey Oatmeal."

  1. Peanut Butter Granola
  2. Mango Ginger Granola and Short Cut Greek Yogurt
  3. Funky Monkey Oatmeal


Keep a stash of hard boiled eggs in your fridge for a quick high protein bite or make up batches of breakfast burritos or egg sandwiches, wrap individually and keep in the freezer ready to microwave on a moment's notice.
  1. No-Fail Hard Boiled Eggs
  2. Breakfast Burritos
  3. Frizzled Eggs
  4. Homemade "Egg McMuffins": fry (or "frizzle" see link above an egg and layer on a toasted English muffin with a slice of cheese


  1. I love your blog! Please follow me back at:

    XoXo Nicole Mariana

  2. I found you via your comment on Monday Saving Moms... I only wish I had linked to this info on my post today (! You have some great ideas.

  3. Thanks, Jana! I really enjoyed your post and your thoughts on healthy living!
