Thursday, August 4, 2011

Favorites From the Archives...

Green Bean Salad with Fresh Tomato Vinaigrette and Feta

Since I've now been blogging for over a year, I've found it's been really fun to go back and see the recipes that I posted last summer.  Since the same ingredients are back in season, I am reminded of some of my late-summer favorites.  As I've been remaking them and still feeling the same excitement over these dishes that I felt when I originally posted them, I thought I'd pull them out of the archives and share them with you. 

 Pineapple Zucchini Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.
I have a lot of recipes that use zucchini but I think this one still has to be my all-time favorite.  It's made with whole wheat flour, has vegetables (alright, technically zucchini is a fruit but "vegetable" sounds healthier) and low fat, so it's a relatively guilt-free treat!

Crunchy Kale Salad 
As my brother-in-law says, I HATE kale but I LOVE this salad.  Kale is a serious power-food and I can't think of a more delicious use for it.  The only drawback for us is that Jay and I have been having adverse reactions to pine nuts lately so I'll have to come up with a substitute (thinking walnuts or pepitas).  Has anyone else experienced the phenomenon known as "Pine Mouth?"  I'll have to blog more about it sometime, but please let me know if you, too, have experienced a lingering bitter taste after eating pine nuts. 

Green Bean Salad with Fresh Tomato Vinaigrette and Feta
I have all the ingredients to make this one right in my fridge and can't wait to have it again.  It's visually gorgeous, fresh and the combination of flavors is addictive. 

Sushi Roll Salad
You may be noticing a trend that the majority of these links are to salad recipes.  What can I say?  It's hot.  This one is a great way to highlight fresh from the garden cucumbers.  If you like California rolls, you'll love this salad.

Pico de Gallo 
I keep waiting for fresh tomatoes to show up in our little local farm market.  I know they're going to show up any day now and when they do, I'll be so excited to make up some incredible pico de gallo.  The good news is this still tastes great even made with grocery store Roma tomatoes in January.

Summer Fruit Cobbler Bars:
Peaches, raspberries and blueberries sandwiches between layers of brown sugar oatmeal crumble.  Yes, please.  Take advantage of in-season fruits with this dessert.

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